For S3F9454 MCU Code Extraction, S3F9454 IC Crack, S3F9454 MCU Break, and other SAMSUNG IC Attack. we use high-end technologies and the latest laboratory equipment to perfect the technique of microcontroller code recovering (extracting the code from locked microcontrollers). We had analyzed a wide variety of chip types which are commonly used in different industries, which enable us to open the chips and extract the program inside with quick speed and accuracy, and thus help lauching your project quicker and cheaper.
■ Powerful Harvard Architecture Processor
❐ M8C Processor Speeds to 24 MHz
❐ 8×8 Multiply, 32-Bit Accumulate
❐ Low Power at High Speed
❐ 3.0 to 5.25 V Operating Voltage
❐ Operating Voltages Down to 1.0V Using On-
Chip Switch Mode Pump (SMP)
❐ Industrial Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C
■ Advanced Peripherals (PSoC Blocks)
❐ 6 Rail-to-Rail Analog PSoC Blocks Provide:
– Up to 14-Bit ADCs
– Up to 8-Bit DACs
– Programmable Gain Amplifiers
– Programmable Filters and Comparators
❐ 4 Digital PSoC Blocks Provide:
– 8- to 32-Bit Timers, Counters, and PWMs
– CRC and PRS Modules
– Full-Duplex UART
– Multiple SPI Masters or Slaves
– Connectable to all GPIO Pins
❐ Complex Peripherals by Combining Blocks
—Automatic conversion to and from 16-bit buses
—Master or slave operation
—FIFOs can use externally supplied clock or asynchronous strobes
—Easy interface to ASIC and DSP ICs
• Vectored for FIFO and GPIF interrupts
• Up to 40 general purpose I/Os
• Four package options—128-pin TQFP, 100-pin TQFP, 56-pin QFN and 56-pin SSOP Lead-Free
• USB 2.0-compatible
■ Precision, Programmable Clocking
❐ Internal ±2.5% 24/48 MHz Oscillator
❐ High-Accuracy 24 MHz with Optional 32 kHz
Crystal and PLL
❐ Optional External Oscillator, up to 24 MHz
❐ Internal Oscillator for Watchdog and Sleep
■ Flexible On-Chip Memory
❐ 4K Bytes Flash Program Storage 50,000
Erase/Write Cycles
❐ 256 Bytes SRAM Data Storage
❐ In-System Serial Programming (ISSP)
❐ Partial Flash Updates
❐ Flexible Protection Modes
❐ EEPROM Emulation in Flash
■ Programmable Pin Configurations
❐ 25 mA Sink on all GPIO
❐ Pull up, Pull down, High Z, Strong, or Open
Drain Drive Modes on all GPIO
❐ Up to 10 Analog Inputs on GPIO
❐ Two 30 mA Analog Outputs on GPIO
❐ Configurable Interrupt on all GPIO
■ Additional System Resources
❐ I2C Slave, Master, and Multi-Master to
400 kHz
❐ Watchdog and Sleep Timers
❐ User-Configurable Low Voltage Detection
❐ Integrated Supervisory Circuit
❐ On-Chip Precision Voltage Reference
■ Complete Development Tools
❐ Free Development Software
(PSoC™ Designer)
❐ Full-Featured, In-Circuit Emulator and
❐ Full Speed Emulation
❐ Complex Breakpoint Structure
❐ 128K Bytes Trace Memory
If you need to read the code from the protected chip S3F9454. we can help you to crack the MCU and extract the code from S3F9454 succesfully. Welcome to contact us by Email or Skype. Email: